My future job
Hi everyone!
Today I'm going to write about my future job.
As you well know, I study for to be Pharmacist, so, I could work in the medicines laboratory, hospitals, like a professor in some university, etc. However, also I would like work teaching chemistry to secondary students. ¿Why?, because I think that in the chilean school, the chemistry has a bad reputation, the students saying "It's a very difficult", and I, Marcelo Sepulveda, I want to eradicate that idea from students mind.
On the other hand, my interesting for the people and animal health increasingly, cause' I really like study about the medicines and his contraindications, or the human physiology, and many others topics that involve my career. For this reason, in the future I would be a Clinical Pharmacist here in Chile or in any country, because I feel a happy sense when I help to the people with his medicines, etc. ¿Do it do for money? Yes, I have to life for something, but, through the payment it's really good, my vocation is here, my mission in the world is promote the rational use of medicines.
So, I hope to achieve someday my wishes and my goals, and if it don't work, I will looking many others alternatives with the purpose of be happy.
See you in the next blog!
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